Week 8 - Detox So Your Skin Glows

EB Bridal Beauty Program: 8 Weeks Before Your Wedding

Detox so your skin glows


Now is the time to be good to yourself. Make sure your diet is high in plant foods and commit to a workout that feels right for you. Exercise and nutritious foods reduce stress and excess weight in a moderate and effective way. Check out the benefits of eating a diet that’s high in plant foods.

  • Reduces risk of disease – you wouldn’t want to be sick on your wedding day!
  • Lowers your Body Mass Index – great for fitting into your dress!
  • Increases energy – you’re really going to need that during these next few weeks!
  • Healthy looking skin – the best wedding day accessory!
  • Healthier hair and nails – excellent!

Exercise is important and choosing the right type for you is crucial. Find a partner, a coach, or an expert in the field to help you succeed. If you have a high stress job consider yoga and mediation to help reduce excess stress. If you have high anxiety, the treadmill or moderate-to-high-impact exercise at the gym might work best for you. The benefits of exercise are worth the effort.

  • Helps with relaxation and sleep quality.
  • Keeps skin healthy.
  • Releases endorphins – making you happier!
  • Keeps your body fit and toned.

Putting yourself first in a constructive way will help you look and feel your best for your wedding day.